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J a s o n   R o s s

 a       r       c       h       i        t       e       c       t 

How can we help you?

Have you heard any building or renovating horror stories like projects going way over budget, or people having issues with poor building quality? 

That’s because 95% of houses in Australia aren’t designed by someone equipped to prevent it from happening. Expert advice at the start of your project will always save you money AND reduce the stress of your renovation or new build.
JRa works with people who want to maximise their budget and minimise the stress.


We take our clients through a very deliberate and carefully curated process that enables them to make informed decisions about their project, without over committing and finding themselves in a financial hole, for something they regret doing.

Here are the 3 ways we can help:



At the start or in the middle of the design stages and need advice?


Are you about to sign a contract and want to be sure you have everything?

Find out more....



Are you unsure where to start?

Got some ideas and want to ask a professional to help you make the right choices?

Find out more....

Home Improvement

Do you want to make sure get the most from your project?

Would you like to collaborate with an architect to turn it into a reality?

Find out more....


Not sure what's right for you?

Do you want 30mins to speak with a qualified and experienced professional 

so you can move forward without the stress?


Who Are We

Who are we?


JRa has worked and provided advice on buildings in urban and rural locations all across Australia and internationally, allowing clients to optimise their potential for living and working. 

We provide architectural advice and support to people building their 'forever home', renovating a bathroom, or a kitchen, or just adding a new deck. JRa takes a collaborative approach to design that enables you to be involved as much or as little as you want, know your options, and be in control of the decisions throughout the entire process.


We will work together to bring your vision of your extraordinary home to life.    ....find out more about JRa.



JRa has worked on a variety of projects, across the world, from residential renovations through to new homes. Each project has been uniquely designed to maximise the outcomes and budget of a client.


Below is a select portfolio of those projects. For a brief description, hover the cursor over the image. 

Do you have a similar project?

Want to ask some questions about the projects we've completed?


Question & Answers

The more informed you are, the more likely you will avoid costly mistakes and stressful delays. For some common questions people ask and their answers; that will help you navigate your way through your project  Click here

If you want to know more about the building process to plan ahead, download our

'11 MYTHS OF BUILDING' for FREE, or purchase the full book as an ebook or paperback:

"Architect Here: A simple guide to building and renovating a house" (click here).


The book includes the following topics:

  • Where to start

  • How to control your budget

  • What to expect during each stage of the process

  • Making the right decisions

  • Who to talk to and select for your team 

  • several, detailed checklists to help you stay on track

  • and many, many more

Architect Here.png

Still have questions?

Do you want to create a clear strategy to move forward without the stress?


Services & Fees

Services & Fees

Jason Ross architect can help you with your project; right from the start and all the way to the end, 

A 'Project Review' consultation is relevant at any point in the designing or documenting stages of the building process and before you sign that building contract. There are two types of consultations;



A design review is applicable if your project is in the early or middle of the design stage and answers these questions:

  • How does the design respond to your property and the environment?

  • Is the 'flow' and layout of rooms and spaces effective?

  • Will the design and elements in the design function the way you want?

  • Is the design maximising your livability and experience?

  • Are there any issues we can't see in the design?

  • Is the design effective for your budget?

  • What areas need to be examined more closely to get a better result?

  • and more.....


A technical review is applicable in the later stages of a project and typically before going to the market to obtain pricing, after you have received that pricing or, before signing a contract with a selected builder. This review answers these questions:

  • Does this design accomplish what I want?

  • Is there anything missing?

  • What do I need in the documents to avoid costly variations?

  • What are the things I need to consider in my written agreement**?

  • Are there any areas where I can reduce the cost?

  • What should I pay attention to during construction? 

  • and more.....

**Please note that JRa does not provide legal advice. Any information provided relating to legal matters is only an opinion and JRa ALWAYS recommends speaking with a qualified and experienced legal professional who is familiar with construction contracts for your legal advice.


An 'Ask an Architect' consultation is the perfect first step if you're not sure about where to begin your project or have some ideas that you want to explore.


It's an informal chat about the potential of your project, including who else you need on your team, is your budget sufficient, and anything else to give you clear 'next steps' and in the right direction. 

'Architectural Services' is what you need if you are ready to get started on your project.


We provide a fully customized service and fee structure to suit your budget, brief, and requirements to create an extraordinary design, document it, and help you deliver it through construction, so you can leverage our time, knowledge, and experience to avoid the stress and worry of keeping it on time and budget.


....more on our Services & Fees.

Still not sure?

Would you like to talk to someone about what could be the solution for you?




Sometimes, there can be so many options it can be so overwhelming,

so we want to make it easier for you.

To do that, we offer you with a short strategy session to help you create a clearer and less stressfull pathway to your extraordinary home.

Fill out the form below to arrange your
FREE (30min) strategy session or to inquire about our services

Thanks for submitting your query! We will email you shortly to arrange a time to speak via a video call

jason @            Has passport, does travel                mobile: 0402 oo3 222


jason @      Tel: o4o2 oo3 222

© 2022 Jason Ross

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