
01 The Full Story
Good design doesn’t cost the earth and it certainly doesn’t make your project more expensive.
As an architect, my goal is to design buildings and spaces that make you glad you came, invites you to stay a little longer and truly goes above and beyond it's function or how it looks.
Great design isn't about spending loads of money on expensive materials and designer taps either. It also doesn't have to be on the cover of a magazine or cost a fortune for it to be 'extraordinary'.
Sometimes it's the little things that just make you love it more, but most of the time its actually about how a space feels and how you feel in it, and that can be as simple as having great natural light, being warm in winter and cool in summer and, a connection to the outside.
Right from the start I make a point of understanding what is meaningful to you and what is going to make your project extraordinary. I have found that when I am clear about your priorities, hope and dreasmWhen I am clear about your p I'll do the rest, but with lots of comunication along the way. This ensures you are part of the creation of a something wonderful.
I am not the kind of expert who will come in and take over, say things you don’t understand, then leave you with a huge bill. My goal communicate the opportunities I see for your project every step of the way. offer you the best advice based on more than 20+ years of experience, and then you can make an informed decision.
When I wrote the book "The Secrets of a Passionate Architect: A simple guide to building and renovating a new house" it was a way to help people gain some persepctive on how I work to create an extradinary home, and to avoid the costly pitfalls and lengthy delays. That's why I give it to my clients when we start.
— Jason Ross
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